About Elmsford

About the Village:

As the year 1910 dawned, the thoughts of many turned to the idea of making Elmsford the sixth incorporated Village in the Town of Greenburgh. On Tuesday evening, January 11, 1910, a group of property owners met at the headquarters of the Elmsford Fire Company to discuss the matter of incorporating the Village.

A "PROPOSITION for the incorporation of the Village of Elmsford" was duly drawn up and signed by 34 "adult resident freeholders," Including three women. Dated March 1, the document described the territory to be Incorporated: attached to it was a list of 551 persons then residing In the area. A map was prepared which showed the proposed boundaries of the Village.

Greenburgh Town Clerk Robert Dashwood called a special election, and in a notice dated April 26 he declared "that on the 14th day of May 1910, between one o'clock in the afternoon and sunset an election will be held at the rooms of the Elmsford Fire Company, on the Saw Mill River Road at Elmsford to determine whether the territory hereinafter described shall be incorporated as the Village of Elmsford."

The election on May 14 was conducted by Irving M. Taylor, Justice of the Peace, and Clerk Dashwood, serving as Inspectors of Election. From a total of 155 persons listed as eligible to vote, 104 men and women cast ballots that day. When the votes were counted after sunset, it was found that 83 persons had voted "yes" on Incorporation and only 21 had voted "no." The proposition had carried overwhelmingly.

Elmsford dates its incorporation officially from June 6, 1910, at which time a map and a description of the Village boundaries were filed by Greenburgh Supervisor Millard In the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York, and a Charter as a Village of the IV Class (population under 1,000 persons) issued.