Storm Water Management Committee

Simple steps that Elmsford residents and businesses can take to help clean up Village streams, lakes and improve water quality in the Saw Mill River and Bronx River:

What is Stormwater Pollution:

Stormwater pollution refers to many types of harmful materials that are carried by water (rain water, wash water or snow melt) through the storm drain system to our creeks, lakes and the Saw Mill River. These pollutants can include: sediments, nutrients, trash, metals, bacteria, oil and grease, phosphorus and organics.

Get Involved: 

Volunteers are needed to assist with waterway and roadside cleanup efforts, beautification projects, storm drain marking and neighborhood cleanups. Put together a group of friends, plan to meet over coffee and help keep trash and other pollutants out of our waters. Contact the Village's Stormwater Management Coordinator for details.

Dispose of Household Products Carefully:

Many products under the sink or in the garage can harm water quality. Never pour paints, preservatives, brush cleaners and solvents down the drain. Sewers or septic tanks do not treat these materials and they can enter waterways untreated. Buy a product with the least amount of toxic materials. Read labels carefully for disposal instructions. Learn about Westchester County's Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Program. For information call 914-813-5425 or log onto the County website.

Care for your lawn cautiously:

Lawns with trees and shrubs prevent erosion, soak up nutrients before they run off into waterways, and improve soil by adding organic materials. Plant the right grass by testing the soil annually. Use the proper fertilizer, and do not over-fertilize. Improper fertilizing can lead to disease, poor root growth and weed problems. Water your lawn and shrubs only when it is dry by soaking the soil thoroughly. If you have a lawn service, make sure it is customized to your needs.

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination:

Items which find their way into waterways and storm drains, either by accident or deliberately, decrease water quality and create unsightly conditions. Carelessly discarded trash, illegal connections of waste water and other products, household chemicals, oil, and nutrients from over fertilization of lawns can be washed into drains when it rains and eventually end up in our waterways. In 2006, the Village will begin a program to locate and identify discharges from illegal connections which decrease water quality and take enforcement action where appropriate. If you think your home or business may have an illegal connection to the storm drain, contact the Village's Stormwater Management Coordinator to learn how to correct the condition.

Pet WasteDo you have a dog?

Pet waste is a major contributor to stormwater pollution, always pick up after your dog, and visit our Village Dog Park at the corner of Winthrop Avenue and North Evarts. Complementary pet waste bags are provided at the entrance to the park.

For more information about Storm Water Management or to get involved contact the Engineering Department at the Stormwater Hotline 914-345-1553.

Staff Contacts

Board Members


Member (Chair)


Joel Rodriguez

