Westchester County-County Executive & Workforce Development Board

Video: County Executive George Latimer & Westchester-Putnam Workforce Development Board Executive Director Thom Kleiner outline the County’s efforts to assist residents impacted by the economic turndown during the COVID-19 pandemic

LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0FBkb65ZtE&feature=youtu.be

County Executive George Latimer hosted Westchester-Putnam Workforce Development Board Executive Director Thom Kleiner as a part of his latest series of conversations informing the public of the County’s whole government effort from all departments.

In accordance with social distancing practices - and how many Westchester residents are currently communicating with colleagues, friends and loved ones – Latimer and Kleiner held this conversation via Zoom.

Issues covered include jobs at risk, how to navigate the unemployment insurance system, job opportunities available now and in the future and the Workforce Development Board’s work to partner with local businesses and organizations.

For more information contact the Workforce-Development Board. Information below:

Job Seekers: (914) 813-6555 or email: wpwbcc@gmail.com or

Online: westchesterputnamonestop.com or nyhirenow.usnlx.com

Employers contact: Nahshon D. Halevi at nqhe@westchestergov.com or Charlene Manning at cqkc@westchestergov.com.